Free Check for PPI

Everything You Need To Know About Mis-Sold PPI

What is a PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) Check

What would happen to bills you have, such as credit card bills, if you were injured or ill and couldn't work? You could pay them out of savings, if you have enough money. If you don't, you might be forced to file for bankruptcy, which could ruin your credit score. An alter native is to carry payment protection insurance, or P P I.

What is Payment Protection Insurance?

Payment Protection Insurance is a type of supplemental insurance that is specifically there to help you financially if you are unable to work due to a health issue. There are a couple of different kinds of Payment Protection Insurance. One is a straight supplemental insurance policy, which provides you cash to use as you see fit if you have a qualifying illness or injury.

Another type of Payment Protection Insurance is specific to a certain account. For example, you may have a credit card that offers you Payment Protection Insurance. In that case, the Payment Protection Insurance policy would only cover payments on that account but would not pay for any other expenses you have.

Do you need Payment Protection Insurance?

Whether or not to carry a Payment Protection Insurance policy is a very personal decision. If you have the type of job where you are unlikely to sustain an injury that would prevent you from working, then it's probably not necessary. You also may not need it if your job offers disability insurance. 

Payment Protection Insurance is a good benefit, though, for people such as construction workers, who could face injury at work and who may not have other benefits such as paid sick leave or disability leave. Workmen's comp may cover you if you are hurt on the job, but if you get in a car accident, for example, and can't work, then your Payment Protection Insurance would kick in and help you pay bills until you can get back on your feet.To get a free check for PPI come visit us.